Virtually Real Games Virtually Real VR

Social Skills Blog Post

Musings of The Upright Man

This is just a light-hearted blog, mostly related to Virtually Real from a less technical side, but not always. Everything is at least RPG related!

Sincerely, The Upright Man

Starting from the beginning ..

  1. Voice Demo
  2. Dissociated Mechanics
  3. Evil In RPGs
  4. Fairness & Equality
  5. An Audiophile's Perspective
  6. Cocktail List
  7. Magic & Technology
  8. Adrenaline Mechanics
  9. Social Skills

Social Skills

1. Diplomacy

  • Description: This skill involves negotiation, mediation, and bartering, focusing on positive-sum interactions where all parties can benefit. It encompasses the art of making deals, resolving conflicts, and fostering cooperative relationships.
  • Associated Emotional Target: This skill aligns with the emotional target of joy and the sense of community, as it promotes harmonious interactions and mutual benefit.
  • Alternate Names:
    • Mediation
    • Negotiation
    • Conciliation

2. Deception

  • Description: This skill covers persuasion through falsehoods, manipulation, and acting. It involves presenting information in a misleading way to influence others' perceptions or actions.
  • Associated Emotional Target: Deception is linked to the emotional target of guilt and the sense of self, as it pertains to the integrity of information shared and the trustworthiness of the individual.
  • Alternate Names:
    • Subterfuge
    • Guile
    • Duplicity

3. Authority

  • Description: This skill involves intimidation, leadership, and commanding respect. It is the ability to assert power and enforce rules or norms within a social context.
  • Associated Emotional Target: Authority corresponds to the emotional target of fear and the sense of safety, as it relates to the enforcement of rules and the maintenance of order.
  • Alternate Names:
    • Command
    • Dominance
    • Leadership

4. Support

  • Description: This skill encompasses empathy, pacification, and inspiration. It focuses on providing emotional support, fostering inclusion, and motivating others.
  • Associated Emotional Target: Support aligns with the emotional target of helplessness and the sense of faith, as it involves offering assistance and encouragement to those in need.
  • Alternate Names:
    • Compassion
    • Morale
    • Uplift

5. Faith

  • Description: This skill represents the ability to inspire or draw strength from deeply held beliefs or ideals. It involves motivating others through shared values and convictions.
  • Associated Emotional Target: Faith is directly tied to the emotional target of helplessness and the sense of faith, as it provides a foundation for hope and resilience.
  • Alternate Names:
    • Conviction
    • Devotion
    • Piety

6. Debate

  • Description: This skill involves engaging in structured arguments, formal disputes, and conflict resolution through intellectual discourse. It is the ability to present and defend ideas logically and persuasively.
  • Associated Emotional Target: Debate relates to the emotional target of isolation and the sense of community, as it often involves public discourse and the exchange of ideas within a group.
  • Alternate Names:
    • Rhetoric
    • Logic
    • Disputation